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Main Street Celebrates Accreditation and Historic Preservation Month

The Main Street Advisory Board presented Main Street’s 2018 Accreditation at the Commission Meeting on May 9th, 2018.

“We are honored and proud of Main Street’s national recognition as a Main Street America Accredited Program,” said Mayor Joel Villarreal.

“Serving on the Main Street Advisory Board is an honor. We find it rewarding to serve our city and community with pride,” said Rosa Gonzalez, Main Street Advisory Board.

After Mayor Villarreal read the proclamation designating May 2018 as Historic Preservation Month, members present at the meeting were invited to have some refreshments and taste the traditional Main Street Cake.

In 1981, the National Trust for Historic Preservation focusing on a national effort on the revitalization of historic downtowns created the Texas Main Street Program. Anice Read, founder of the Main Street Program, created the tradition of the Main Street Cake.

May is also Historic Preservation Month designated by the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP). The NTHP is a privately funded nonprofit organization working to protect significant places representing America’s diverse historic places. For more information, visit

The Rio Grande City Main Street Program provides many opportunities to get involved in downtown revitalization efforts. Anyone interested in volunteering is encouraged to visit the Rio Grande City Main Street office at 406 E. Main Street or call (956) 488-0047.



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